NOTE: This
bibliographical list is far from being a comprehensive bibliography on the Udi
language. I have neglected earlier works by Dzheiranishvili and Panchvidze
because most of them are summarized in they books. I also have neglected some
specific references with respect to the problem of Caucasian ‘Albanian’ (recte:
Alvan) as this question will be dealt with on a separate page.
Aleksidzé, Z. &
J.-P. Mahé 1997. Découverte
d’un texte albanien: une langue ancienne du Caucase retrouvée. Académie des Inscriptions &
belles-lettres. Comptes rendues des séances de l’année 1997 avril-juin,
fasc. II, 517-532. Paris: Boccard.
ALEKSIDZÉ, Z. 1998-2000. Remarques sur le déchriffrement de l'écriture albano-caucasienne.
RArm 27:423-428.
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Caucase. CRAI 2001 [in press].
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Matfeja, Marka, Luki i Ioanna na russkom i udinskom jazykax. Tiflis: Izdanie
Kavkazskago Uchebnago Okruga (SMOMPK XXX) [also see Schulze 2001].
Bouda, K. 1939. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Udischen auf Grund neuer
Texte. WZKM 93:60-72.
Crysmann, B. 2000. On the Placement and Morphology of Udi Subject
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A. 1984. Case marking, verb agreement, and inversion in
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the USSR, Linguistic studies, 135-56. Chicago: CLS.
Harris, A. 1996.
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HARRIS, A. 1997. The Position of
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Meliksetbekov, L. 1942. K istorii
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Outtier, B. 1992. Le vocabulaire religieux en Oudi. C. Paris (éd.). Caucasiologie et mythologie comparée, 331-333. Paris: Peeters.
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Panchvidze, Vl. 1974. Udiuri enis
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Schiefner, A.A. 1863. Versuch über die Sprache der
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W. 2000a.
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W. 2000b.
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