

NOTE: This bibliographical list is far from being a comprehensive bibliography on the Udi language. I have neglected earlier works by Dzheiranishvili and Panchvidze because most of them are summarized in they books. I also have neglected some specific references with respect to the problem of Caucasian ‘Albanian’ (recte: Alvan) as this question will be dealt with on a separate page.


Aleksidzé, Z. & J.-P. Mahé 1997. Découverte d’un texte albanien: une langue ancienne du Caucase retrouvée. Académie des Inscriptions & belles-lettres. Comptes rendues des séances de l’année 1997 avril-juin, fasc. II, 517-532. Paris: Boccard.

ALEKSIDZÉ, Z. 1998-2000. Remarques sur le déchriffrement de l'écriture albano-caucasienne. RArm 27:423-428.

ALEKSIDZÉ, Z. & J.-P. MAHÉ 2001. Le déchiffrement de l'écriture des Albaniens du Caucase. CRAI 2001 [in press].

Anonymous 1842 (ante). Nachal’nye osnovanija grammatiki na Agvanskom jazyke, pisannoj armjanskimi bukvami. (ms., St. Peterburg Oriental Institute, no. C-7 (Armenica)).

Bezhanov, M. (ed.) 1888. Rustam. SMOMPK IV (annex).

Bezhanov, M. 1892. Kratkie svedenie o s. Vartashene i ego zhiteljax. SMOMPK XIV:1-32.

Bezhanov, S. & Bezhanov, M. 1902. Gospoda Nashego Iisusa Xrista Svjatoe evangelie ot Matfeja, Marka, Luki i Ioanna na russkom i udinskom jazykax. Tiflis: Izdanie Kavkazskago Uchebnago Okruga (SMOMPK XXX) [also see Schulze 2001].

Bouda, K. 1939. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Udischen auf Grund neuer Texte. WZKM 93:60-72.

Crysmann, B. 2000. On the Placement and Morphology of Udi Subject Agreement. Draft version.

Dirr, A. 1904. Grammatika udinskogo jazyka. SMOMPK XXXIII:1-101.

Dirr, A. 1928. Udische Texte. Caucasica 5:60-72.

dzhejrani, T. & dzhejrani, M. 1934. Samdzhi däs [The first lesson]. Suxumi: Zakav. Fil AN SSSR.

dzheiranishvili, Evg. 1971. Udiuri ena. Gramat’ik’a, krestomat’ia, leksik’oni. Tbilisi: Tbil. univ. gamomcemloba.

Fähnrich, H. 1999. Kleines Udisch-Deutsches Wörterverzeichnis. Jena: Kaukasien-Reihe.

Gukasjan, V. L. 1964. Nidzhskij dialekt udinskogo jazyka. Kand. diss. (ms.). Baku [avtoreferat 1965: Foneticheskie i morfologicheskie osobennosti niddhskogo dialekta udinskogo jazyka. Baku: Izd. AN Azeb.SSR].

Gukasjan, V. 1974. Udindzhä-azärbajdzhancha-ruscha lüghät. Bakı: Elm.

Harris, A. 1984. Case marking, verb agreement, and inversion in Udi. D.M. Perlmutter & C.G. Rosen (eds.). Studies in Relational Grammar 2,243-258. Chicago: UCP.

Harris, A. 1992. The particle -a in Udi. H.I. Aronson (ed.). The non-Slavic languages of the USSR, Linguistic studies, 135-56. Chicago: CLS.

Harris, A. 1996. Focus in Udi. H.I. Aronson (ed.): NSL 8: Linguistic studies in the non-Slavic languages of the CIS and the Baltic Republics, 201-220. Chicago: CLS.

HARRIS, A. 1997. The Position of Subject Agreement in Udi. Paper at the Tenth International Non-Slavic Languages Conference, Chicago 1007.

Harris, a. 2000. Where in the word is the Udi clitic? Language 76,3:593-616.

Harris, A. 2002. Endoclitics and the Origins of Udi Morphosyntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Harris, A. (in press). Udi evidence for the reconstruction of Proto-Lezgian locative cases and preverbs.

Jagnovskij, A.G. 1858. Zapiska o polozhenii del po voprosu o predpolagaemom srodstve votjakov s zakavkazskimi udinami. Vest. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. 2 (introduction).

Karamiantz, N. 1886. Einundzwanzig Buchstaben eines verlorenen Alphabets. ZDMG 40: 315-319.

Karbelashvili, D. P. 1935. K fonetike udinskogo jazyka. Jazyk i myshlenie III-IV:259-276.

Meliksetbekov, L. 1942. K istorii udin. Tbilisi: Trudy gosud. univ. im. Stalina.

Outtier, B. 1992. Le vocabulaire religieux en Oudi. C. Paris (éd.). Caucasiologie et mythologie comparée, 331-333. Paris: Peeters.

Pajjazat, A. 1933a. Grammatika udi-albanskogo jazyka. Erevan (ms.).

Pajjazat, A. 1933b. Udi-albanskij slovar’. Erevan (ms.).

Panchvidze, Vl. 1974. Udiuri enis gramat’ik’uli analizi. Tbilisi: Mecniereba.

Schiefner, A.A. 1863. Versuch über die Sprache der Uden. St. Petersburg: Imp.Akad. (Mé-moires series VII,  vol. VI, no. 8).

Schulze, W. 1982. Die Sprache der Uden in Nord-Azerbajdžan. Studien zur Synchronie und Diachronie einer süd-ostkaukasischen Sprache. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Schulze, W. 1998. Person, Klasse, Kongruenz. Fragmente einer Kategorialtypologie des einfachen Satzes in den ostkaukasischen Sprachen. Vol. 1 (in two parts): Die Grundlagen. München/Newcastle: Lincom Europa.

Schulze, W. 2000a. Floating clitics in Udi and Northern Talysh: Coincidence or language contact? Paper presented at the X. International Caucasian Colloqium, Univ. of Munich.

Schulze, W. 2000b. Towards a Typology of the Accusative Ergative Continuum: The Case of East Caucasian. General Linguistics 37:71-155.

Schulze, W. 2001. The Udi Gospels. Annotated text, etymological index, lemmatized concordance. München/Newcastle: Lincom.

Schulze, W. 2002a. Die kaukasischen Sprachen. In: W. Oesterreicher et al. (eds.). Language typology and Language Universals II. (HSK), 1774-1796. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Schulze, A. 2002b. The loan layers of Udi: Armenian. W. Bublitz, M. v. Roncador, H. Vater (eds.). Philology, Typology and Language Structure. Festschrift for Winfried Boeder on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, 211-223. Franfurt a.M. etc.: P. Lang.

SCHULZE, W. 2002c. Review of: Harris, A. 2002. Endoclitics and the Origins of Udi Morphosyntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. LINGUIST List 13.2994.

Schulze, W. (in press). The grammar of the Udi gospels. H.I. Aronson (ed.). Papers of the First Biennal Chicago Conference on Caucasia.

SCHULZE, W. (work in progress). A Functional Grammar of Udi.

Starchevskij, A.V. 1891. Kavkazkij tolmach. Perevodchik s russkogo na glavnejshie kavkazskie jazyki, zakl. v sebe 27 jazykov. St. Petersburg: Imp.Akad.

Volkova, N. 1994. The Udis. Paul Friedrich & Norma Diamond (eds.). The Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Vol. 6. Russia and Eurasia/China, 375-378. Boston: Hall and Co.

Xuciev, A. & Čelokaev, A. 1853. Slovar’ obshcheupotrebitel’nyx terminov kavkazskix udinov s perevodem na russkij jazyk. St. Petersburg: Imp.Akad.